Updates, news and tips
The latest news from development, service and technology, at a glance.
Sorted by date.
Help us to tailor the workshops even better to you - your feedback is needed! ...more
Start the new year in order - helpful tips for the end of the year ...more
Have you already discovered today's little door? ...more
Today we start with the first door - tricky questions and exciting challenges await you here over the next few weeks! ...more
Wednesday, 04.12.2024 at 09:30 a.m. ...more
Topic: Sending annual invoices by e-mail. ...more
View contribution invoices and restaurant consumption in the app at any time. ...more
After successful participation, you will receive an official certificate that will be credited with 3 points in the GMVD grading system. Register now! ...more
Our next Tips & Tricks workshop will take place on Wednesday, November 6th at 09:30 am! Register here now! ...more
What you need to know now about the 2025 e-invoicing obligation ...more
You can still register for our workshop on Wednesday. ...more
This year we are once again offering our popular training course on annual accounts. You can register now! ...more