We are team players!
Service providers and programmers with years of experience in the golf business
A demanding workday often looks like this: discuss abstract algorithms for the handicap managements now, then immediately focus on answering to a customer’s call, to help organize his daily restaurant incomes and expenses. The next customer wants to switch his complete golf resort, including hotel and a 27-hole golf course to PC CADDIE "immediately, if possible", while another client wants to finally go "online" – all respectable and important requests!
Extremely fast reactions, empathy for each customer personality, timely responses for complex, individual golfing facilities questions are requirements for our daily business, for over 700 golfing facilities in 15 countries and in 3 languages. In addition, time constraints, technical problems and stress. The fact that our team managed to remain so motivated and unite for so many years – our team consisting of individuals from different countries, young professionals, convinced family men, or longtime IT professionals – is due to a simple common denominator: „If the customer is satisfied, we are all happy“. Flexible working hours, recognition and personal appreciation compensate everyone’s hard work.
Thus, our joint team heartbeat can be measured, even after 30 years: a minimal churn rate for both customers and employees, with the motto „Satisfied customer- satisfied team“.
Benedikt Schmedding
bs (at) pccaddie.com
Axel Heck
aheck (at) pccaddie.com
Marc Spangenberger
msp (at) pccaddie.com
Development and programming
Christof Bucheli
cb (at) pccaddie.com

Lucie Desroche
ld (at) pccaddie.com
Fatemeh Gharri
gharri (at) pccaddie-online.de
Mirko Kurze
mk (at) pccaddie.com
Ashley Nwaukpele
an (at) pccaddie.com
Niels Schilling
ns (at) pccaddie.com

Falk von Wildenradt
fvw (at) pccaddie-online.de
Kim Castillo
castillo (at) pccaddie-online.de
Marius Emmenegger
me (at) pccaddie.com
Zakaria Hamidi
hamidi (at) pccaddie-online.de
Daniel Moser
dm (at) pccaddie.com

Ionut Rosca
ir (at) pccaddie.com
Robert Walter
walter (at) pccaddie-online.de
Technical services
Florian Bagdahn
fb (at) pccaddie.com
Jascha Coenen
jco (at) pccaddie.com
Ümit Ersönmez
ue (at) pccaddie.com
Yannick Ollendorff
yo (at) pccaddie.com
Alexander Sanker
a.sanker (at) pccaddie.com
Jochen Bitschene
jb (at) pccaddie.com
Rachid el Ayoubi
rea (at) pccaddie.com

Fabian Nett
fn (at) pccaddie.com
Michael Schwab
m.schwab (at) pccaddie.com

Oliver Stucka
stucka (at) pccaddie-online.de
Customer support
Iris Birekoven
ib (at) pccaddie.com
Andrea Hertel
ah (at) pccaddie.com
Bettina Kurscheid
bk (at) pccaddie.com
Kerstin Mäscher
km (at) pccaddie.com
Rosemarie Quickert
rq (at) pccaddie.com
Eva Ringelstein
er (at) pccaddie.com
Ursula Unterreiter
uu (at) pccaddie.com
Jan Weidenhammer
jw (at) pccaddie.com
Kathleen Worm
kw (at) pccaddie.com
Tamara Ghisletti
tg (at) pccaddie.com
Marcel Kabirske
mka (at) pccaddie.com
Petra Limbach
pl (at) pccaddie.com
Sandra Mathys
sm (at) pccaddie.com
Heike Richter
hr (at) pccaddie.com
Stephanie Sonntag
so (at) pccaddie.com

Julia von der Heyde
jvdh (at) pccaddie-online.de
Edda Werner
ew (at) pccaddie.com
Melanie Hanke
mh (at) pccaddie.com

Oliver Kempcke
kempcke (at) pccaddie-online.com
Bernadette Schantl
bschantl (at) pccaddie.com
Carmela Hodel
ch (at) pccaddie.com
Silke Kückendahl
sk (at) pccaddie.com
Stefanie Stökle
st (at) pccaddie.com
Communication and marketing