Shining children's eyes for the children of the Oldesloer Tafel

"We have never received such a gift as the Oldesloer Tafel - thank you very much!". The words of Christine von Dombrowski confirm PC CADDIE's decision to forego sending Christmas surprises this year - and to convert this into a donation for the Oldesloer Tafel. "I think all our customers and business partners will be happy to do without if you think of the shining children's eyes instead," says Axel Heck, Managing Director and founder of PC CADDIE://online GmbH & Co. KG. It was quickly decided that the company would like to support a charitable project in the region. "After our employees frequently reported the queues at the Tafel distribution point, it was clear that here was a project right from our front door," says Axel Heck. During the coordination with Christine von Dombrowski from the Tafel Bad Oldesloe, it was decided that something for children should be packed into all of the approximately 250 Christmas packages. So the PC CADDIE team got to work and provided crayons, writing pads, chalk, skipping ropes and small board games for each package, so that all families will find a few surprises in their package this year.

On Monday, December 19, Axel Heck set off with a fully packed car to the Tafel in Oldesloe to hand over the packages for distribution this week: "With the numerous gifts with a total value of EUR 4,500, we would like to make it possible for the families to have a nice Christmas and at the same time thank the team of the Tafel Bad Oldesloe for their so important voluntary work".

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at)

Support in Germany
Phone +49 2642 9854110
Fax +49 2642 9854199
email support (at) 

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm


Contractual partner

PC CADDIE Service GmbH
Marktstrasse 45-47
53424 Remagen

Phone +49 2642 9854110
Fax +49 2642 9854199
email info (at)

PC CADDIE://online
GmbH & Co. KG

Stubber Weg 39
23847 Pölitz

Phone +49 2642 9854120
Fax +49 2642 9854169
email info (at)

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at)

Support in Austria
Phone +43 1 355667788
Fax +43 1 355667799
email support (at)

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm


Contractual partner

Rudolf-von-Alt-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

Phone +43 13 55667788
Fax +43 13 55667799
email info (at)

PC CADDIE://online
GmbH & Co. KG

Stubber Weg 39
23847 Pölitz

Phone +49 2642 9854120
Fax +49 2642 9854169
email info (at)

Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw/Luzern

Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email info (at)

Support in Switzerland
Phone +41 41 5110600
Fax +41 41 5110699
email support (at)

Daily support hours
April-October 9 am - 8 pm
November-March 9 am - 6 pm

